Types of Climates in Türkiye- ENVIROMENTAL POLLUTION
Unplanned urbanisation, damaged forests, erosion, destruction of nature, polluting land and sea vehicles, environmentally harmful chemicals are among the major causes of increasing environmental pollution. Dirty streets and uncleaned rubbish bins also cause pollution. And unfortunately, Turkish people have to deal with these a lot. But when you look deeper into the issue, you realise that it's also our fault. Maybe we threw a plastic bottle at the bin, but it didn't go in, it went on the floor. And someone else does it, and then someone else does it, and then someone else does it, and then someone else does it... Actually, all types of pollution are linked to environmental pollution. Because water, air, soil are also part of the environment, part of nature. If they are polluted, it is also environmental pollution. We can use the example of forests. Imagine that some people go camping. They put up their tent, they light a fire. Then they cook food for themselves and have a great time eating it. They stay there for a few days. They throw all their rubbish and burnt things on the fire and take nothing with them. Their plastic bottles, glass bottles, some plastic plates, forks, knives. Imagine if everyone did that. Well, it's not just a problem in Türkiye, it's a problem that's bigger than it seems.
B. WATER POLLUTIONWater pollution is the general name given to pollution in waters such as lakes, rivers, oceans, seas and groundwater. All kinds of water pollution harm all living things living in or around water where the pollution is located, as well as the destruction of various species and biological communities. Water pollution occurs when waste water containing harmful components is discharged without adequate treatment. Meric-Ergene, Marmara, Susurluk, Gediz, Kızılırmak-Yeşilırmak, Eastern Black Sea, Çoruh and Van Lake are those examples can be given for water pollution in Türkiye. Also domestic waste and industrial waste have a huge affect on water pollution when they’re being poured into seas, lakes, rivers etc. Our job is to recycle as much as we can, so our country will be less affected by the water pollution.
C. AIR POLLUTIONAir pollution is the change in the natural composition of the air for various reasons, the presence of foreign substances in the form of solid, liquid and gas in the air in a concentration and duration that may be harmful to human health, living life, ecological balance and goods. In our country, air pollution is a huge risk for people. -These are the countries with the highest levels of air pollution in Europe.
In this graph, Türkiye is the 7th most air polluted country. Our people should be more careful, fossil fuel consumption needs to be reduced. In particular, coal needs to be reduced, heating systems need to be installed into all houses in our country. But stove-heated houses are no longer as common as they used to be, most houses have been equipped with heating radiators. This is a really big step. because in the past, even when passing through the streets in the winter months, it was hard to breathe because of the smoke and the eyes weren’t able to see clearly. Fortunately, our state is working to minimize it. There is a great improvement compared to the past, but still, further improvements are necessary. |
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